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Does your local Outdoor Burn Permitting process need to modernize?
Would your local agency want to know about a real difference-maker? Providing quick results and real benefits?
The necessary, but potentially disastrous risk of outdoor burns require accurate and instant communication. Your agencyneedsbetter information to run a better department. offers a modern solution to this age-old problem. We have an app to help coordinate community relations on your outdoor burn program.
Take the inconvenience out of outdoor burn permitting. The public reports their burns with critical contact info, addresses, Geo-coded Locations, and optionally a photo of the burn site.
Meanwhile, your staff monitors activity levels, instantly communicates via group or individual messaging, sending weather updates, warnings, and even shutdowns directly via text message to responsible contacts instantly.
Augment patrols and respond easily to neighbors with an easy, instant report and map locating all permitted fires within your district.
The system is nearing completion, your agency can now join our Beta program at no cost and partner with your local residents to help be a part of the solution.After our Beta program period, we pledge to keep this service available at a very reasonable cost.
Complete this form and we will respond with the info you will need to answer any questions, and get your department setup ASAP.