Terms and Conditions for North Lincoln Fire & Rescue District #1 Debris Burn Permit
By checking below, you agree that you have reviewed and will follow all regulations stated.
Please note the City of Lincoln City does not allow debris burning within city limits at any time during the year. Homeowners’ associations may have further restrictions in place.
Fire staff will continue to monitor weather and fuel moisture conditions in the area and may make modifications on a day‐to‐day basis.
Check in before you burn.
Note: If conditions become too dry or too windy, local fire staff may choose to close local burning at any time.
- You must have legal control of the property, or permission of the property owner where burning is conducted.
- Check your Homeowners Association regulations prior to burning.
- Report the burn date, location, and update all emergency contact information before burning.
- Check in before you burn. Verify burning is not closed before starting your burn.
- Check for updates via text messaging from authorities.
- Online permits are issued for a single burn site, per day.
- All safety requirements shall be met prior to burning.
Safety Requirements
- The ground shall be clear of combustible material for 10 feet outside of fire in all directions.
- No burning when temperatures exceed 90 degrees.
- Stop burning when winds become gusty and difficult to control.
- Keep adequate fire fighting equipment on hand at all times while burning.
- All open burning, excluding recreational fires, must be extinguished by sundown.
- Fires shall be attended at all times by a responsible adult.
- If a fire gets out of control, CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY.
Allow Space For Your Burn
- Open fires must be smaller than 3 ft. by 3 ft. by 2 ft high and shall not be conducted within 25 ft. of a structure.
- Fires in an approved steel burn barrel shall have a spark arrestor screen with openings not greater than 1/4 inch and shall not be within 15 ft. of a structure.
The following items may not be burned
- Garbage
- Plastic
- Wire insulation
- Construction materials
- Processed wood products
- Auto bodies
- Petroleum based products
- Tires/Rubber
- Animal waste
- Food service waste
- Industrial waste
- Commercial waste
Burn Pile Requirements
- Keep your burn pile small.
The pile diameter should be no wider than 3′ and the height should not exceed 2′. - Pile must be at least 25′ from any structure.
- Maintain a 10′ fire break around the burn pile to control burning embers that could cause your fire to escape.
- Always keep an adequate water supply on hand. Make sure your garden hose is turned on and ready to put out the fire if necessary.
Burn Barrel Requirements
- Heavy screen mesh
not less than 14 gauge wire with holes not larger than 1/4″. - Metal barrel in good condition.
- Ground cleared and maintained at least 10′ around incinerator
of all material that could cause your fire to escape. - Barrel must be 15′ from any structure.
By agreeing, you also certify that your location is not within city limits.
Any burning that does not comply with these regulations must have a separate, written permit.
Please be aware we will be using email and text messaging to communicate and normal rates will apply.